Ruth and Esther Theater
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Featuring the Creative Works of Dennis L. Dunn


Norman Rockwell's "The Gossip"
(Rockwell painted himself into the last two panels)





   Act 1, Scene 3:  Coming Home:   Upon arriving home the townspeople have to decide whether to accept Ruth.  Prodded by the grandmothers, they decide to give her a chance . . . but that doesn’t stop the local rumor mill from going into high gear

Note:  Songs will take a few seconds to load. Most media players will play songs and still allow you to read the script. But some have default setting that take up the entire page. If you have one of these players try the following: (1) Right Click to Open in a SEPARATE NEW tab/screen; (2) click on the "TV" screen which is a separate media player; (3) use the BACK Arrow at the top left of the screen (this stops the song/dialogue).  

Coming Home (Act 1, Scene 3)
(page 2)
. . .  . .
So, we finally left that God-forsaken land and came home. 
Oh, how tired I am . . . carrying my burdens all the way here. All uphill. What was it, 100 miles?
Uh, Mom, I think I carried the bags. .  
You only carried them from when we left the city until here.
I carried them the rest of the way.
  (Ruth bewildered.) 
 Now, we will see how Leah kept up our old house. 
It's hardly bigger than a tent but it is home.
 (Ruth and Naomi Exit.)
 Man #1:
I can't believe she'd go on that way -- about God cursing them. 
I'm going to talk to the Rabbi. 
(Man #1 exits stage left.) 
Girl #1:
Who was that?   Everyone'll want to know. 
Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth, back from Moab.

It is Good News! God is bring his people home!

(Townspeople starting pouring in, Girl #1 will run in with the news to start News!)
Girl #1:
Ooooh! I've gotta spread the news! 

A Moabite! One of our enemies! Right here! 

Click Here to Listen MP3 of News!

(Consider using a right click and open in a separate tab so that you can follow script)

(Girl #1 shrugs. Townspeople start pouring in from both sides of the stage. 
Women with water buckets, groceries.)
(Girl #1)
Have you heard the news?
(Chorus of 3-5)
Oh, what news?
(Girl #1)
Everyone is talking about what ensued.
    (Chorus of 5 to 8 in a semi-circle)
You know we hate gossip.
It's all a bunch of rot.
We really shouldn't listen,
but please don't stop!
 Girl #1
Well I heard it straight from Lisa,
who was told by Rabbi Rick,
You'll hear it from the crier on news at six.
 (Girl #1; or vary with others)
Naomi left, and now she's back,
She feels cursed, under God's attack.
Poor and feeble, that's a fact,
Her fam'ly's dead, she's wearing black!
            Chorus:         Her fam'ly's dead, she's wearing black!
 Girl #2
While in Moab, a locust attack!
They ate up all her wheat and flax.
Little Naomi, took her ax,
Tried to give every bug a whack!
            Chorus:          She tried to give every bug a whack!
 (half chorus)
Oh what news!
 (One man solo, finger to heaven, Eastern European accent)
Eyewitness news!
(all chorus)
Everyone is talking about what ensued.
 (Interlude while a few more cast members Enter, Girl #3 turns to the newcomers)
 (Girl #3)
Have you heard the news?
(half chorus)
Oh what news!
 (Girl #3)
Everyone is talking about what ensued.
(Chorus of 5 to 8 in a semi-circle)
You know we hate gossip,
It's all a bunch of rot.
We really shouldn't listen,
but please don't stop! 
 Girl #3
Naomi's back with her daughter-in-law,
the cutest girl you ever saw.  
Dark clouds surround her pretty head,
She married a man and he woke up dead!
            Chorus:          She married a man and he woke up dead!
That girl brings sin into our town,
Our good morals she'll bring down!
She's a yeast in holy bread,
The only good Moabite is one who's dead!
            Chorus:          The only good Moabite is one who's dead!
(1/2 chorus)
Oh what news!
 (One man finger to heaven)
Eyewitness news!
 (all chorus)
Everyone is talking about what ensued.
S.:       Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news?
A.:                                           Oh what news! Have you heard the news?
T:        .........................................................................Eyewitness news!
S.:       Have you heard the news? The news! The news! The news!
A.:       Have you heard the news? The news! The news! The news!
T:         ....................The news!   The news! The news! The news!
B:                          Everyone is talking, talking, talking, talking 'bout the news!
 (Grandmas, using walkers/canes advance to Center Stage as below is sung,
led by Sadie and Phyllis)
We are the grandmas who raised you from the womb,
We won't bring about this poor girl's doom.
She cares for her Momma, as every girl should,
and we must conclude that she's awf'ly good!
            Chorus:         We must conclude that she's awf'ly good!
 Old man:
Did you say that's she's awful?
We must conclude that she's awf'ly good!
Old man:
Oh, alright.  
She's polite and loyal, an innocent dove,
and it's crystal clear, she's here for love!
So perhaps in this gossip, you exaggerate
and we won't have our village ruled by lies and hate!
 Chorus:           No, we won't have our village ruled by lies and hate!
                        Lies and hate! Lies and hate!
                        We won't have our village ruled by lies and hate!
                        Hallelujah!                                                      (from Handel's Messiah)
                        Aren't we special!                                           (Entire cast, except Simon, preen)
                        We won't have our village ruled by lies and hate!
NOTE:  Interlude dialogue has been adjusted from what is in the Demo -- Simon repeats himself (opps).
Well, I still say it's a bad wind that blows in people like that. 
Cursed they are! 
Older Woman #2:
God struck their husbands dead! We could be next! 
It happened in Egypt, it could happen here! 
Townsperson #2:
The death angel! The evil eye is upon them!
 (Organ/orchestra may hit minor, sinister cords at mention of the death angel)
 Townsperson #2:
Townsperson #3:
I say -- send her packing!
Fiddlesticks! Give her a chance!
Girl #4:
Naomi now looks like a hag,
that girl may carry an awful plague!  
The whole village died with them around,
We fear for the safety of our tiny town!
But we won't have our village ruled by lies and hate!
 (1/2 chorus)
Oh what news!
    (One man with hand in air )
     Eyewitness news!
(1/2 chorus)
Everyone is talking about what ensued.
 (All Chorus)
The whole village died!
Everyone cried!
You can trust our story, 'cause we've never lied!
 (One cast may do a Catholic "crossing themselves" motion; several cast members may start sobbing at "everyone cried".)
(Curtain or lights off)