Ruth and Esther Theater
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Featuring the Creative Works of Dennis L. Dunn
                         Three Bruised Reeds
      But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; . . and by his wounds we are healed.
                                   --- Isaiah 53:5
     A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
                    --- Isaiah 42:3

This is story of three bruised reeds:

*     Peter, caught by his pride and his fear and his mouth.  
*     A thief, who had lived his life for passion and pleasures
      and the next drink.
*    Mary Magdalene, rescued by demons, shaken to the
     core as she saw her Lord suffer and bleed and die.
     Three bruised reeds. Three people for whom the candle of hope was going out.
     Jesus touched them all. Touched Peter with forgiveness; touched Mary with a kind word; touched the Thief with hope. 
     Reached out to each of them.  Just as he does to us.
     Isaiah gave us the shadow; but these are the flesh and blood stories of the promise fulfilled.
     For this is what they were: Damaged goods.  Wasted lives.  A ministry in ruins.
     People like us.

                              *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

     This Easter presentation is designed to tell stories.  That's the way Jesus taught.  It features monologues and a communion meditation.  Because of the limited number speaking parts and limited score, it is not overly taxing on the singers/actors (making it ideal for medium sized churches).      

     Each primary monologue has a song that accompanies it.  Other standard Easter songs can be sung by the choir between monologues (people want some standards).  Not all of the characters' presentations need to be included (e.g., The Thief or Pilate can be dropped).  
"But what will you do with this Jesus,
who is called Christ?"  -- Pilate
"Repent and be baptised everyone of you!" 
-- Peter     
(Photo of Billy Sunday -- Evangelist)  
And He called my name!  
-- Mary Magdalene  
     Here is the suggested order:
      1.     Opening Dialogue by Minister (optional) 
            (Choir or Congregational song -- throw in other standards as desired)
     2.     Pilate
     3.     Song -- What Will You Do With Jesus Christ?  -- Pilate & Choir
     4.     Peter -- Before the Fire's Flickering Light
     5.     Song --  The Alley of Regret -- Peter, Choir & Soprano Solo.
     6.     The Thief (a.k.a., Johnny Dismas, Comic Relief)
             (Note:  May be cut or edited due to length)
     7.     Song -- The Thief's Song -- Dismas and Girl's Trio (or more)
     8.     Mary Magdalene -- Sunday Morning.
     9.     Song -- He Called My Name -- Mary Magdalene and Choir
    10.    Communion Meditation (may come earlier).   
     11.    Minister Conclusion  
    Author's Note: The verbal performances below have been done by Dennis to give others an idea of the proper cadence and the story's power. Just as someone with a good ear should never hear me sing, so anyone who has an ear for dialect should avoid listening to my version of Johnny Dismas (who should have a good Jersey or Brooklyn accent).
Please feel free to send me MP3s of your version of the characters' presentation.   I'll try to make sure the very best one is given priority.
 "Hey, Yo', Jesus!  Remember me when
you's come into your Kingdom."
The Thief -- Johnny Dismas       
(photo of James Dean -- 50s star)     
Although I've created pages for Pilate and Peter, the entire program (other than the closing number, which isn't  finished), can be downloaded from the below.  If you have any problems retrieving the material, please contact me at or phone at: 503-375-7722 or 503-931-9671.
If you spot a problem with  my site (including type-os) or have further suggestions, please contact me.
PERMISSION:  Dialogues may be adjusted (edited) and used without attribution or compensation, provided the distribution is for non-commercial / non-paid distribution (e.g., normal church usage).
Please let me know if you use the material by sending an email to (if anyone uses my work, it's an encouragement), together with web site info if the program was recorded.
If you're going to take a special offering for a performance or sell tickets, please contact me, as royalties may be appropriate.
Dennis L. Dunn
 Character  Click Below for
 Click Below for MP3
(Dennis Currently)
 Narrator Intro.  Time: 2:20  MP3 of Intro
 Pilate.    Time: 6:15
(5-10 second download) 
Song: What Ya Gonna Do With Jesus Christ?
for song (no vocals yet)
  Peter.   Time:  8:20
(allow 10 second download)
  The Alley of Regret  (vocals, strings, piano)
  The Alley of Regret (vocals and piano)
 The Thief.    Time:  9-13 minutes.
10-20 second download
(no Vocals, yet)
  Mary Magdalene
  Time:  (est.)   7:30
(no vocals) 
         Song:  He Called My Name
 Narrator: The Power in the Blood
 Communion Meditation     
 Time (est.):  4:00
MP3 of Meditation
(not yet done)
NOTE:  The longer the MP3, the longer the download (the thief takes a while).
To OPEN -- In Windows Explorer it's better to use a right click to open in a separate tab or window.  Then you can read the text in a different window.  To close, simply close the separate tab.