Ruth and Esther Theater
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Featuring the Creative Works of Dennis L. Dunn


For Such A Time as This . . .


        The edict has been issued. Haman stamped it with glee.  It cannot be changed.
        Haman’s friends are sharpening their blades . . dreaming of the plunder they will soon enjoy . . the cries for mercy they will soon hear . . . . and reject.   
        In Susa, there is turmoil.  For if the King can do this to the Jews, no one is safe. 
        Unnoticed by the crowds, a middle aged man slowly walks up the hill to the Queen’s palace.  He grimaces as he thinks, “If I had only bowed.”  Compromised.  Like Saul.  Who brought honor and shame on his family.
            He wonders: Did I cause this calamity?   No.  But he lit the fuse.
            And he must ask her to put it out.
            If he could just talk to her, he knows she could be persuaded.  But he can only send a note. 
            Mordicai allows himself a smirk.  He’s got to persuade herOnce she had him wrapped around her little finger.  Once?  No, she still does.  Bound by a million memories of evening prayers and kisses goodnight and watching that marvelous girl grow.   Pillow fights and questions.   Listening as she sang the Torah.  Was any other voice so sweet?
            He shakes his head in wonder.  He had given up on being a father and then . . her.   A gift from God.  He got to touch her life. 
            And, now, his advice might end it.  
            He would rather die then ask her to risk her life.  But some things are more important than life.  And this is one.
            He arrives at the gate.  He hands Hatach the note.  He waits. 
            He quivers as he reads her reply.  She no longer enjoys the King’s favor.  The King never calls for her.  Mordicai's teeth grind at this insult.  The King is another Solomon (without the good start).  Political marriages.  Concubines.  Some teenage girl will join him tonight.  The queen will not. 
            Mordicai marshals his arguments and sends them back into battle.  A battle he doesn't want to fight. 
            But he must persuade her. 
            Make her believe that God has called her . . for such a time as this.  
Important Note:   This scene is done in song and dialogue.  If you've only got time to listen to one song, please listen to the next one: "This Could Be the Day I Die" (heading: "Facing Death").  
If you have time for this song, please read along with the tape.
Portions of the song have been edited for length (OK, it was probably a mistake).
For Such a Time as This


(Mordi appears in gunny sack and moves on stage.   Above a Eunuch looks down from the balcony area. As an alternative -- depending  upon staging -- Mordi plays side stage or beside, somewhat distant from Esther, who most stay within the palace grounds.)
Minerva Teichert, 1888-1976

. . . . .


Uncle Mordi, has someone died?


It's worse than that. All of us could die! 


All the people to be killed? (to herself)  
Oh, this is awful.   Can anything be done? 
Isn't it obvious?  You must speak to him, my child.


But don't you remember what happened to Vashti?  She was kicked
out just for failing to appear when the king said to!
And you want me to tell him his royal decree is what?
A piece of . . of (throws up hands, exasperated) really bad stuff!


Surely you have some influence with the king?
Don't you . . um . . see him regularly?
Oh, Uncle Mordi . . . he doesn't call for me any more.
It's been over a month.  I fear he loves someone . . someone younger . . .
And he spends all his spare time eating pork rinds and drinking beer with his buddy, Haman.
Oy!  Pork rinds?  A Month? 
This is worse than I thought.  Still . . you must try.
But Uncle Mordi! If any man or woman approaches the
king without being summoned . . the law . . the law is . . they're put to death!

 Unless . . unless the king extends his royal scepter.

Oh, Esther . .


     Open in a separate tab if possible (Right Click in Explorer)
Download takes 3-10 seconds with cable internet.
    Then Switch Screens to pause, replay or stop.
God Will Save His People
    Vocals:  Bradford McKeown & Cara Menche
    Piano:  John Livingston (who also helped arrange)
         Oh, Uncle Mordi . . he doesn't call for me.
         He spends all his time eating porks rinds and drinking
         beer with his buddy, Haman.
              Pictured: Anna Connelly from her play
              Anonymous Deliverance (also about Esther)
                 You can see an excerpt at:
A great evil shrouds the land. 
Kill the Jews is Haman's plan.
You must stop the law the King decreed.
Now, you must go before the King.
To overturn this evil thing.
For your people you must beg and plead.
For God will save His people
God will find a way.
And there is hope for today, if we pray,
and proclaim the truth He commands,

and proclaim the truth He commands.

I listen in fear, anguish and grief,
for my people there is no relief.
     Mordi:  The kings decree you must resist.
Oh, God could there be another way?
Is this the cup I must drink today?
Mordi:  You were called for such a time as this.
                                   Esther: (Such a time as this!)
           (Mordi joins)
I know God will save His people
God will find a way.
But if I try
I may die
so I sit and cry:
    "What should I do today?
     What should I do today?"


(Interlude music continues during dialogue; 
Interlude length has been edited on demo tape) 
Um . . Uncle Mordi . . God is powerful -- maybe -- maybe he
can find another way to bring deliverance . . someone . . anyone . . else.
Child, in every generation some are called to stand up for God and His people.
Some do become martyrs; but some, like Moses, bring deliverance . .
Perhaps that person is you. (She grimaces)
Sweetheart, back when you were a little girl . .
do you remember praying to change the world? (she nods) . .
This is your chance!
(Slightly incredulous.)
But I didn't know I might die! . .
NOTE: This section was omitted from demo tape
I'm just an ordinary girl . . .
Who am I to change the world?
(Interlude continues)
Esther, don’t think that your royal position will save you from disaster.
If you do nothing, deliverance for the Jews will come from somewhere else.
But you and your family will perish.

 (she sighs)


OK.  Have the people fast and pray for three days.
I will try. . . 
And if I perish . . I perish.
Esther & Mordi:
For God will save His People
God will find a way,
and knowing I might die
Still, I've got'ta try . . .
To change the king's command.
 (Together) (rit.)
To live for God . . . and in His Plan.


So . . You OK with this?

 (Slightly sarcastic/fearful) 


Noooo! I flinch at paper cuts! 
I'm quaking in my boots.
Oh, Uncle Mordi, do you know when
it was that anyone got the king to change a decree? . .
(he shakes his head, she looks down dejectedly)
 . . neither do I . . it's never happened before.
I once dreamed I could change the world –
I once hoped to leave my mark.
Into a hornet nest I’m hurled. . .
A fool’s errand to embark . . .


(Esther exits from balcony/Lights fade out)